Sony vs. Microsoft – Breathing space.

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Revenue dominance gives Sony some breathing space.

  • Sony has done an excellent job at becoming the winning gaming platform in the current generation, but I am increasingly concerned that its poor user experience and lack of an ecosystem could allow Microsoft to win in the long run. (see here)
  • However, the developers are currently on Sony’s side as recent results from Ubisoft, (one of the major game developers) show.
  • In Q1 15A, PS4 accounted for 27% of revenues massively outselling the Xbox One at 11% and the Xbox 360 at 11%.
  • It also managed to outsell the PS3 (11%) and even the PC at 23% despite a much smaller installed base of PS4s.
  • This is only a small sample but it is an indication that Sony may have another strategy up its sleeve to combat the shortcomings of its user experience.
  • This strategy is to get as many games as it can exclusively on the PS4 thereby reducing the attractiveness of Xbox One to gamers.
  • If the PS4 continues to generate 2.5x the revenues of the Xbox One for games developers, then any game developer considering giving an exclusive will always choose Sony.
  • However, most of the larger developers are likely to continue developing for both platforms as it is now reasonably easy to develop for both at the same time.
  • Consequently, there is no real incentive for a games developer to give up developing for one platform when there is some revenue upside and little or no cost increase.
  • Hence, it comes as no surprise that the two big exclusive games (Halo – Xbox and Bloodborne – PS4) have both been developed either in-house or by subsidiaries.
  • Developers will always gravitate towards platforms where they can earn the most money and at the moment, Sony has all the momentum.
  • Consequently, now is the time that developers will be most receptive to Sony’s advances and I think that Sony will be looking to snap up as many exclusives as it can.
  • As good as this is, unfortunately it is only half of the long term story for the console.
  • Over the next few generations this device will become increasingly integrated with other devices around it making it a part of the overall ecosystem.
  • This requires a lot of software and user experience expertise which is something that Sony still sorely lacks.
  • Hence, while gaming exclusives may keep Sony desirable in the current generation, there are unlikely to be enough of them to make a meaningful difference as I think that the big studios will continue to support both platforms.
  • Sony remains in the position having won this battle but is at danger of losing the war in the next generation.
  • Microsoft and Google remain my top choices as places to look in the digital mobile ecosystem.
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    Richard is founder, owner of research company, Radio Free Mobile. He has 16 years of experience working in sell side equity research. During his 11 year tenure at Nomura Securities, he focused on the equity coverage of the Global Technology sector.