Sony Q4A – Patient reward

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There is no sign of the hoped for recovery.

  • Sony reported a bad set of results with forecasts for the coming year coming far below what consensus had been looking for.
  • Revenues and net income for FY 14A were JPY1,870bn / LOSS JPY111bn which was in line with revised guidance given on May 1st.
  • However, hopes for a rapid recovery were shattered as forecasts for the coming year were well below estimates.
  • Revenues, operating profit and net income for FY15E are expected at JPY7,800bn, JPY140bn and LOSS JPY50bn respectively.
  • This compares very unfavourably to consensus at JPY7,698bn, JPY231.8bn and JPY26.5bn.
  • Revenues have been forecasted some 1.3% ahead of forecasts but operating profit is 40% below what investors were hoping for.
  • Net income is way off target.
  • What has frustrated investors is the apparent lack of progress.
  • 2015E guidance calls for more of the same with most of the margin improvements coming from the exit from PCs and lower asset impairment charges.
  • Very little in terms of real improvements in the underlying businesses seem to be expected which I hope is just Sony being conservative.
  • Sony is the only Japanese company with a chance of a future in consumer electronics as it has the assets to create a thriving ecosystem.
  • To create this vision from a series of ivory towers that are only part of the same company in name requires a leader with character, will power and charisma.
  • Unfortunately, these results were devoid of the kind of get-up-and-go that is required to turn this company around which leaves one wondering whether it will just lumber from one year to the next.
  • I am certain that Hirai-san understands that all the divisions of this company need to work together to create devices and experiences that offer consumers an attractive way to live their Digital Lives.
  • Sony’s coverage of Digital Life is weak but its strong position in gaming and media consumption put it ahead of many of the other contenders.
  • Hence, through PlayStation, Smartphones, TVs and its media assets, Sony has the opportunity to create a thriving ecosystem which would allow it to put premium prices on its products once again.
  • I remain convinced that this is the strategy that Sony is trying to pursue as Hirai-san understands the importance of the ecosystem unlike many leaders in the hardware industry.
  • This kind of change does take a long time to deliver but the apparent lack of progress in the next 12 months is disappointing and frustrating for investors.
  • The market likes to see at least some sign of what it is being asked to believe and with nothing in sight, confidence in the recovery is evaporating.
  • The rewards are there to be had in the long-term but now investors are being asked to be patient as well as brave.



Richard is founder, owner of research company, Radio Free Mobile. He has 16 years of experience working in sell side equity research. During his 11 year tenure at Nomura Securities, he focused on the equity coverage of the Global Technology sector.