The vested interests will now be more against Libra than ever. The pandemic is substantially weakening the existing financial system meaning that Libra is more of a threat now than...
Vested interests sink Libra. There are certainly regulatory issues that need to be addressed with Facebook’s or any digital currency, but I suspect that the main reason for Libra’s failure...
Facebook takes a shot at the banking sector. Facebook has launched a digital currency platform that it hopes will succeed thanks to its pervasive network of 2.2bn users into...
Reply to this post Deal with First Data changes the US game. Alipay has struck a deal with First Data Corp. that I think prepares...
Reply to this post Mobile Payments are going the wrong way. It appears that the usage of Apple Pay on the iPhone is now declining...
Reply to this post MCX serves as a lesson to all in the ecosystem. Merchant Customer Exchange (MCX) has paid a heavy price for ignoring...
Reply to this post Security and a good user experience are almost mutually exclusive. I continue to believe that the trade-off between ease of use...
Reply to this post Apple Pay problematic but better than the rest. Payments are horribly difficult. From vested interests to proprietary standards and a myriad...
Reply to this post Mobile payments could cause the gorillas to start fighting again. Google’s acquisition of technology from Softcard threatens to shatter the fragile...
Facebook Libra – Well populated graveyard pt. II
Libra has been neutered by its opponents. Libra is expected to finally launch early in 2021 but Facebook is having to make so many concessions to the forces that are...