Its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. There is little doubt that Telegram has emerged from the background of the technology industry to drive publicity for an IPO but...
ByteDance is back in the crosshairs. The fuss over TikTok which seemed to have died down following the change of administration in 2021 is back on but simply divesting TikTok...
Geopolitics is everywhere. After a very slow 2021, 2022 and some recovery in 2023, Mobile World Congress in 2024 is finally back in business. The halls are as busy as...
OpenAI and Microsoft will be unable to eat Google’s lunch Having failed to move the search market with ChatGPT, OpenAI is developing a product specifically designed to replace search, but...
Mr Altman’s agenda continues to defy gravity and reality. Sam Altman and Open AI appear to be intending to take over both the entire technology industry and everyone’s personal devices...
It will soon be much cheaper. Google has launched a new version of its generative AI and followed everyone else down the $20 per user per month business model, but...
Foundation model is to AI what OS is to smartphone. While everyone is going to be focused on inference in 2024, the real action is going to be in the...
Artificial Intelligence – Magic Money Tree
Money grows on trees until it doesn’t. Capital continues to pour into the AI sector with very little attention being paid to company fundamentals in a sure sign that when...