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Amazon & Alibaba – Pair trade?

Similar companies, different issues Amazon is going to suffer from all of the same problems that Alibaba has but is in a better position to mitigate the logistics impact. However,...

Covid-19 – Liquidity preference

The biggest risk is a credit crunch. For the next few months, cash is going to be the single most important factor as only cash will allow affected businesses to...

Airbnb – Perfect storm

No IPO but no chapter 11 either. The perfect storm of a large ramp in spending just as the Coronavirus kills its bookings are going to prevent any IPO this...

NVIDIA – Forced out.

GeForce Now is in real trouble. It appears that streaming games is harder than it looks as Nvidia’s service, like Google Stadia, is in the kind of trouble that could...

Didi Chuxing – State of play.

Didi is a play on the whim of the state. The Coronavirus may lead the Chinese state to give Didi a bit of breathing space while the economy gets back...

Google Stadia – Humble pie pt. II.

Google is making more errors. In addition to issuing refunds and apologising to its users (many of whom feel duped (see here)), Google should also realise that its power in...

Microsoft Cortana – Euthanasia

I think Cortana will go back to the research lab. Cortana is set to become a productivity-based digital assistant which in reality means that Microsoft is cutting the resources it...

SoftBank – Pressure cooker

Softbank must be under real pressure. In the current environment, the last thing one should do is bring a highly valued, loss-making, sharing economy-based company to IPO, demonstrating that Softbank...

Ford – Ship and remember.

Ford is starting to understand digital. I may have issues with Ford’s view on vehicle demand (see here) but there are signs that Ford is one of the very few...

Google Stadia – Humble pie.

Google should issue refunds. Gaming on mobile phones remains a huge opportunity because outside of China, there is no dominant player but the way that Stadia is going it looks...