The board caves to shareholder pressure. Twitter’s board has grudgingly accepted Mr Musk’s offer to acquire Twitter which I suspect is going to involve a complete management and board clearout...
Musk gains the upper hand but at a price. Elon Musk is getting closer to acquiring Twitter but he still needs to deal with the poison pill and the level...
Snap survives TikTok. Snap reported good Q1 2022 results that were more impacted by Russia than they were by TikTok raising the possibility that TikTok’s incursion into Western markets may...
Netflix pays the price for its high multiple. Netflix reported its first subscriber decline as the cost of living crisis is forcing users to tighten their belts which triggered a...
Poison pill is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Twitter’s board has adopted a poison pill in an attempt to block a take-over by Elon Musk in what could easily be...
It becomes clear why Mr Musk refused a board seat. Elon Musk’s bid for Twitter appears to be more about his definition of free speech than financial investment as at...
Activism compounds a legion of problems. Peloton is now under assault by an activist investor who makes both fair and unfair criticisms of Peloton which make the task of turning...
Spare parts is not a fix. Google will make spare parts for its Pixel phones available for DIY repair and while this will be generally well-received, it does nothing to...
Google & Microsoft – Tale of two cities.
Microsoft FQ3 22 – Enterprise offers inflation haven. Microsoft reported excellent results as Azure fought off competitive threats and the enterprise demand remained immune to inflation pressure. FQ3 22 revenue...