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Jolla Ltd – Salvage crew.

          Whatever one says about the ex-Nokia crew who are salvaging the Meego operating system from shipwreck under Nokia’s captaincy, they are a hardy bunch of...

IPR – The weakness of essential

          Samsung has been making moves in its attempt to riposte the potentially devastating effect of its recent trial loss but recent progress looks little more...

TV – A sign of things to come?

          With Apple running roughshod over all and sundry in the mobile and tablet space one has to wonder what comes next. Despite the coolest looking...

RIMM Q1 – Deceased feline?

              RIMM reported better than expected Q1 results driving the shares up 20% but even a dead cat will bounce if dropped from a...

Nokia – The great giveaway?

              The latest Asha devices have attracted very little attention but they could be the very thing that keeps the wolf from the door...

iPhone – Great phone, lousy app.

              The volumes look like they have been the strongest ever at 10m in the opening weekend but don’t forget that the user base...

Apple vs. Samsung – Cat and Mouse

              Samsung has been thoroughly defeated in the courtroom but in reality, Apple has achieved very little. The object of the exercise is to...

iPhone 5 – Pre order sleight of hand

              There has been much ado made of the fact that pre-orders for the new iPhone 5 have sold out 20 times faster than...