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Facebook – The right move

          Home is the right strategy for Facebook to extend its reach. Facebook Home is a software skin that takes over the home screen of an...

Samsung vs. Google – Game of Thrones

          Samsung and Google will end up in a struggle for the user. So far Samsung and Google have been on good terms given the symbiotic...

Samsung Galaxy S4– All the rage

          The Galaxy only evolves slightly but it makes iPhone 5 look more and more out of date. Samsung launched the Galaxy S4 with much fanfare...

LGE – Old Habits Die Hard

          History looks ready to repeat itself at LGE. LGE has proudly announced that it has cumulatively sold 10m LTE devices but, if history repeats itself,...

MWC 2013 Day 4 – Missing Persons

            At this year’s show, what was missing is actually much more interesting. It was all downhill from Monday, with very little news being announced...

MWC 2013 Day 1 – Writer’s block

                MWC is bigger than ever but the frantic rushing around has given way to a more leisurely stroll. I very much doubt...

Samsung TV – Iceberg dodger

          Samsung’s software is poor but it is learning how to dodge the icebergs in its path. Afraid to get lost in the noise, Samsung has...

Samsung Rex – King Cnut

          Rex is not strong enough to hold back the tide of Asha.  Samsung has renewed its assault on the forgotten 1bn with the launch of...

HPQ – size 12s

          This new excursion into tablets and smartphones has all the hallmarks of the malaise that currently grips HPQ.  Not content with blowing $1.2bn on attempting...

Samsung – Borrowed time

          Hardware has made Samsung great but it must now repeat that success in software. Samsung’s great talent has always been hardware, but the company is...