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Apple – Maps and screens

          There is no point in acquiring Tom Tom. The wires have been alive for the last few days with the notion that Apple is on...

Nokia Q2 – Hit and miss

          Light Q2 sets up potential for a bounce in Q3. Nokia missed revenue expectations but profitability improved to allow profits to come in ahead of...

Motorola – Method in the madness.

          Google’s commitment to Motorola has nothing to do with handsets. If the wires are to be believed, Google is going to spend $500m to market...

Apple – In vogue.

          It is now increasingly unlikely that Apple will launch an iWatch this year. The wires are alive with the news that Apple has hired former...

BlackBerry – Ballad of the fat lady.

          It is far from over but the fat lady is warming up. They say that “aint over ‘til the fat lady sings” but BlackBerry’s Q1...

Apple vs. Samsung – Strategy of weariness

            The US judiciary seem bent on forcing Apple and Samsung to settle.  Apple and Samsung remain locked in a legal war which is showing...

Samsung – Barely a murmur

          There was a huge, but deadly silent crowd at today’s launches.  There were lights. There were stars. There were some great products but no one...

Android vs. iOS – No Progress

            The latest data indicates that there is still a big gap between iOS and Android. Chitika Insights (see here) has published some more data...

Android 5.0 – Low: the place to go

          By focusing on the low-end Google is aiming to increase its addressable mobile market by 60% or more. An update to Android was missing in...

BlackBerry – Fidelity free zone

          BlackBerry needs something else to prevent its users from jumping ship. BlackBerry’s move to make BBM available on other platform is incredibly risky unless there...