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Microsoft and HTC – Lip service

          Other handset makers will only pay lip service to Microsoft. The wires are alive with the idea that Microsoft is begging HTC to resume making...

Sony Mobile – The last samurai

          Sony Mobile is nothing if not brave. Sony Mobile has ambitious plans for 2013 but now Sony Mobile is looking to push those even further...

Samsung – Device advantage

          Samsung is using its control of  the device to its best advantage. Samsung’s strategy to move into software and services is starting to bear fruit...

Flexible Displays – Two years late

          After two years, Samsung has decided to experiment. After much delay it seems that a device with a curved display is about to make a...

BlackBerry – O Canada

          BlackBerry is to remain Canadian but at what price? BlackBerry has agreed to be acquired by a consortium led by Toronto based Fairfax Financial Holdings...

Apple – Rumour is not reality

          Apple’s rivals will be resting bit easier tonight. The launch of the iPhone 5s and 5c show that Apple is still uninterested in the low...

Nokia / Microsoft – Course change

          Smartphone margins are likely to imminently collapse. Rationale, the deal structure and recent actions all suggest that a substantial increase in investment in the Windows...

Samsung – Slippery Mud.

          The Galaxy Gear is unlikely to stick.    Samsung is looking for other avenues of growth and in that vein I suspect that the Galaxy...

IFA 2013 – A big event once again

          IFA owes its new found importance to its timing.    The IFA trade show kicks off tomorrow in Berlin and its timing right before Apple’s...

Nokia and Microsoft – End of days?

          Nokia shareholders are the big winners.   Nokia and Microsoft have announced that Nokia will sell its Device and Services to Microsoft for E5.44bn. Key...