Reply to this post Android One will only ever benefit Google. Xiaomi and Google are resurrecting the Android One program but given what Xiaomi has...
Reply to this post Another step to fully proprietary Android. Android Auto and Wear are fully proprietary and I continue to see incremental moves by...
Reply to this post Hardware still taking the back seat to software. This year’s IFA is more about those that are providing the software that...
Reply to this post Bixby is hopelessly outclassed. Bixby voice only shines in the areas where Samsung has given it special access to hardware that...
Reply to this post Solid base for new product launches. Apple reported good results and guided strongly for the coming quarter stoking speculation with regards...
Reply to this post Android is snapping at Apple’s heels. Android is showing signs of catching up with iOS in terms of user spending at...
Reply to this post Qualcomm has the stomach for a fight. Despite the seemingly challenging situation the company is currently experiencing, I think the company...
Reply to this post Xiaomi is back but ecosystem nowhere to be found. A monster quarter has brought Xiaomi back into contention as a major...
Reply to this post Samsung heading for No. 1. A truly mighty performance from Samsung puts it well on track to promoted to being the...
Huawei – The AI of others
Reply to this post Huawei needs its own algorithms to succeed in AI. Huawei abandoned its habit of launching a new phone at IFA 2017...