Reply to this post Face ID will make or break this device. I have long believed that this year’s iPhone offerings will not trigger a...
Reply to this post Amazon goes better, smaller cheaper. Amazon has raised the bar in the digital assistants battle right before Google’s hardware event on...
Reply to this post Even Oculus doesn’t believe the hype. Oculus has sent the surest signal yet that all is not well with virtual reality...
Reply to this post Another plan that failed. With the reorganisation of its hardware division, Snap Inc. is admitting that it made a wrong turn...
Reply to this post Fourth time unlikely to be the charm. Google has announced a partnership with HTC that sees some key engineering talent join...
Reply to this post Amazon increases its aggressive land grab. Not content to sit on 70% market share, Amazon is aggressively compensating for the lack...
Reply to this post Face ID was the star of a show where everything had been leaked. Apple launched its next series of products that...
Reply to this post Android One will only ever benefit Google. Xiaomi and Google are resurrecting the Android One program but given what Xiaomi has...
Reply to this post Another step to fully proprietary Android. Android Auto and Wear are fully proprietary and I continue to see incremental moves by...
Android – Further deterioration.
Reply to this post Apple is 577x better at software upgrades. Both Android 8.0 Oreo and iOS11 have been available for a few weeks and...