Reply to this post Software updates won’t fix reputation. The seemingly endless problems with Google’s latest Pixel devices can most probably be completely resolved with...
Reply to this post Snap learns a hard lesson. Snap generated plenty of interest around its first hardware product but the fact that more than...
Reply to this post Opportunities to break in are fast disappearing Google seems to be closing on in launching a Google Home based product with...
Reply to this post Home is where the heart is. Essential Products is clearly struggling with its Essential Phone which I think will probably lead...
Reply to this post 3 big leaps but with potentially with fatal flaws? Microsoft, Huawei and ZTE have both expanded their hardware ambitions but I...
Reply to this post OnePlus’ slip serves as a warning. BBK Electronics is fortunate that OnePlus is one of its marginal brands as a gaffe...
Reply to this post iPhone X unlikely to produce the needed super cycle. Expectations for the iPhone X are at fever pitch and I think...
Reply to this post Google is the big winner from Windows Phone’s demise. Microsoft has admitted that Windows 10 on mobile is no longer a...
Reply to this post Clever devices are useless without volume. Behind the carefully orchestrated event was a series of strategies aimed at driving penetration of...
Razer – The public game.
Reply to this post Its too early for Razer to go public. Razer wants to become the ecosystem for gamers but its progress in this...