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Arm vs Intel – The ninth innings.

Arm lays out its position with Armv9. Arm has announced its first new processor architecture for quite some time but the real test of this will come when it goes...

Xiaomi – The vulture dance.

Xiaomi’s looks to be going after Huawei’s business. Xiaomi’ latest launches signal a change in direction for the company that I suspect has been triggered by Huawei’s problems which have...

Intel – Back to basics.

Intel rides the perfect storm. Intel has made maximum use of both tensions with China and the current semiconductor shortage to push its new foundry strategy which is going to...

Huawei – Nowhere to run pt. XXVIII

Patents are no panacea. Huawei may be down, but it is far from out as it is now putting its efforts into replacing the revenues it is losing from US...

Huawei – Nowhere to run pt. XXVII

Huawei finally hits the wall. After nearly 2 years of ducking and diving combined with superlative execution on the part of Huawei’s management, its dependence on US technology has finally...

Wireless Charging – Jump start?

The Chinese may provide a long-needed boost for this technology. Oppo is the latest of three Chinese handset vendors that have jumped into the far-field wireless charging game in a...

8K – The steepening slope

8K pricing seems to be falling off a cliff. If CES and Samsung are anything to go by, the 8K product cycle looks set to be a financial disaster as...

Huawei & Twitter – Results and politics.

Twitter Q4 2020 – User issues. Twitter reported good Q4 2020 results, but it has run out of road when it comes to user metrics. Q4 2020 revenues / EPS...

Intel vs. M1 – The empire strikes back

Intel throws down the gauntlet. Intel has put up a comparison of its latest chip against the M1 that it says tells a very different story but the tests are...

Ford & Google – Full of GAS?

More about infrastructure than digital vehicle services. Ford has struck a far-reaching deal with Google that encompasses far more than just the software and services in the vehicle cockpit which...