The first bricks go up. Huawei’s migration of its smartphone business to its home-grown Harmony OS is the first concrete sign that our long-predicted Balkanisation of the Internet has begun...
Rotten earnings point towards a state in deep depression. Poor results from both Baidu and PDD point directly to the moribund Chinese economy underpinning the view that nothing will improve...
Google: A badly thought-through remedy. The US Department of Justice is recommending that Google be forced to sell Chrome as a remedy for its illegal monopolisation of the search market...
Alibaba remains captive to China’s poor economy. The performance and outlook at Alibaba are a strong indication that in reality, the Chinese economy remains moribund and that a lot more...
China and semiconductors are unlikely to change much. A change of administration is likely to mean that there is more noise and bluster but no real change when it comes...
A potential benefit of hardship. China’s lack of cutting-edge silicon and limited amounts of cash to spend on compute is forcing it to innovate in ways that may allow it...
The Chinese are no longer stockpiling. The combination of economic-related delays and China realising that stockpiling ASML equipment ahead of further bans might not help them very much has...
The heart of Chinese innovation is dying. China intends to become a global technology leader but the state of innovation in China is moribund meaning that unless something changes, it...
China’s new machines don’t add up to much. China has announced new semiconductor manufacturing machines that will help it eliminate its dependence on foreign equipment, but the reality is that...
Pony AI IPO – A Question of Time
Timing of autonomous driving remains very uncertain. Pony AI has gone public on the back of revenues generated from engineering, but real growth will come from ride-sharing fares and when...