Metaverse will not save Meta from TikTok. There are signs that Meta’s push back against TikTok is flagging in a rare example of where a Chinese company is using technology...
The regulatory pendulum swings back to the middle. Beijing has made a significant concession that implies that now that it has the private sector is firmly in its grip, the...
Sourcing from China raises eyebrows. Apple looks increasingly likely to source some of its storage chips from Yangtze Memory Technology Corp. (YMTC) which will raise eyebrows but at the end...
Huawei puts a brave face on it. Huawei reported 2021 FY results that highlighted just how badly the company has been hit by US sanctions despite an effort to dress...
Tencent cheers its own demise. Tencent reported disappointing results in which it cheered the crackdown which has caused it so many problems and also declined to buy back any shares...
Alibaba moves to support the recovery. Alibaba has increased its share buyback in a move that should help put a bottom under the recent rout, while Tencent is likely to...
The regulatory shadow mostly passes. China has moved to end the uncertainty that has been plaguing its technology sector with a statement that promises an end to the crackdown and...
Spending splurge in full swing. Intel has announced that it will spend at least $33bn on leading-edge capacity in Europe in yet another sign that we are in the upward...
Didi – Desperate times pt. III
Didi is a classic value trap Didi is undoubtedly one of the cheapest technology companies currently available for investment, but the prospect of being unlisted and untradeable as well as...