Broadcast TV – Sword of Damocles pt. II.
Reply to this post The sword has slipped its moorings. With all of the indicators now starting to turn...
Apple – Worst kept secrets.
Reply to this post Face ID was the star of a show where everything had been leaked. Apple launched its...
Electric Vehicles – Extinction level event.
Reply to this post EVs could trigger a huge decline in vehicle demand. Vehicle makers are queuing up to announce...
Google Auto – Greek gift pt. III.
Reply to this post Waymo’s time is now. Google’s self-driving division, Waymo, is currently by far the best option for...
Facebook vs. Snap Inc. – Own goal
Reply to this post Some of Snap’s woes look self-inflicted. Snap appears to be losing key influencers to Facebook not...
Huawei – The AI of others
Reply to this post Huawei needs its own algorithms to succeed in AI. Huawei abandoned its habit of launching a...
Xiaomi and Google – Race to the bottom.
Reply to this post Android One will only ever benefit Google. Xiaomi and Google are resurrecting the Android One program...
Google – Yellow brick road pt. II.
Reply to this post Another step to fully proprietary Android. Android Auto and Wear are fully proprietary and I continue...
Apple – SiriKit?
Reply to this post There are very good reasons to launch SiriKit. Apple has made some changes to executive responsibility...
Google Auto – Lyft to market